Data Sheet, Rev. 3.9, August 2007 TLE6250 High Speed CAN-Transceiver Automotive Power Edition 2007-08-22 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany (c) 2004 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. High Speed CAN-Transceiver TLE6250 Features * * * * * * * * * * CAN data transmission rate up to 1 MBaud Receive-only Mode and Stand-by Mode Suitable for 12 V and 24 V applications Excellent EMC performance (very high immunity and very low emission) Version for 5 V and 3.3 V microcontrollers Bus pins are short circuit proof to ground and battery voltage Overtemperature protection Very wide temperature range (-40 C up to 150 C) Green Product (RoHS compliant) AEC Qualified Description The HS CAN-transceiver family TLE6250 (TLE6250G and TLE6250GV33) are monolithic integrated circuits that are available as bare die as well as in a PG-DSO-8 package. The ICs are optimized for high speed differential mode data transmission in automotive and industrial applications and they are compatible to ISO/DIS 11898. They work as an interface between the CAN protocol controller and the physical differential bus in both, 12 V and 24 V systems. The ICs are based on the Smart Power Technology SPT(R) which allows bipolar and CMOS control circuitry in accordance with DMOS power devices existing on the same monolithic circuit. The TLE6250G is designed to withstand the severe conditions of automotive applications and provides excellent EMC performance. Note: There are two versions available (refer to next page). Type Package TLE6250G PG-DSO-8 TLE6250C (chip) TLE6250GV33 PG-DSO-8 TLE6250CV33 (chip) Data Sheet 3 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 TLE6250G 5 V logic I/O version: RxD, TxD, INH, RM. Two Control pins (RM, INH) and 3 operation modes: Normal Mode, Stand-by Mode and Receive Only Mode. TLE6250GV33 3.3 V logic I/O version (logic I/O voltage adaptive to V33 pin within the range 3.3 V to 5 V): RxD, TxD, INH. One control pin (INH) and two operation modes: Normal Mode and Standby Mode. Pin Configuration T L E6250 G T xD 1 8 IN H GN D 2 7 C AN H V CC 3 6 C AN L R xD 4 5 RM AEP03320.VSD Figure 1 Pin Configuration TLE6250G (top view) T LE6250GV 33 T xD 1 8 IN H GN D 2 7 C AN H V CC 3 6 C AN L R xD 4 5 V 33 V AEP03321.VSD Figure 2 Data Sheet Pin Configuration TLE6250GV33 (top view) 4 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions TLE6250G Pin No. Symbol Function 1 TxD CAN transmit data input; 20 k pull-up, LOW in dominant state 2 GND Ground 3 VCC 5 V Supply input 4 RxD CAN receive data output; LOW in dominant state, integrated pull-up 5 RM Receive-only input; control input, 20 k pull-up, set low to activate RxD-only mode 6 CANL Low line I/O; LOW in dominant state 7 CANH High line I/O; HIGH in dominant state 8 INH Inhibit Input; control input, 20 k pull, set LOW for normal mode Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions TLE6250GV33 Pin No. Symbol Function 1 TxD CAN transmit data input; 20 k pull-up, LOW in dominant state 2 GND Ground 3 VCC 5 V Supply input 4 RxD CAN receive data output; LOW in dominant state, integrated pull-up 5 V33V Logic supply input; 3.3 V OR 5 V microcontroller logic supply can be connected here! The digital I/Os of the TLE6250GV33 adopt to the connected microcontroller logic supply at V33V 6 CANL Low line I/O; LOW in dominant state 7 CANH High line I/O; HIGH in dominant state 8 INH Inhibit Input; control input, 20 k pull, set LOW for normal mode Data Sheet 5 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Functional Block Diagram TL E6250 G C AN H C AN L 3 7 6 D river Output Stage 1 T em pProtection M ode C ontrol 8 5 VCC T xD IN H RM = R eceiver * GN D 2 4 R xD AEA 03311.VSD Figure 3 Data Sheet Block Diagram TLE6250G 6 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 TL E6250 GV33 3 5 C AN H C AN L 7 6 D river Output Stage 1 T em pProtection M ode C ontrol 8 VCC V33 T xD IN H = R eceiver * GN D 2 4 R xD AEA 03312.VSD Figure 4 Data Sheet Block Diagram TLE6250GV33 7 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Application Information TLE6250G Normal Mode INH = 1 INH = 0 RM = 1 INH = 0 and RM = 1 RM = 1 INH = 0 and RM = 0 Stand-by Mode INH = 1 RM = 0 Receive-only Mode INH = 1 RM = 0 / 1 INH = 0 RM = 0 AED02924 Normal Mode INH = 0 INH = 1 INH = 0 Stand-by Mode INH = 1 AEA03327.VSD TLE6250GV33 Figure 5 Mode State Diagram Both, the TLE6250G as well as the TLE6250C offer three different operation modes (see Figure 5), controlled by the INH and RM pin. The TLE6250GV33 offers only two modes, controlled by the INH (GV33) pin respectively. Data Sheet 8 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 In the normal mode the device is able to receive and to transmit messages whereas in the receive-only mode signals at the TxD input are not transmitted to the CAN bus. The receive-only mode can be used for diagnostic purposes (to check the bus connections between the nodes) as well as to prevent the bus being blocked by a faulty permanent dominant TxD input signal. The stand-by mode is a low power mode that disables both, the receiver as well as the transmitter. In case the receive-only feature is not used the RM pin has to be left open. When the stand-by mode is not used the INH pin has to be connected to ground level in order to switch the TLE6250G in normal mode. Application Information for the 3.3 V Versions The TLE6250GV33 can be used for both; 3.3 V and 5 V microcontroller logic supply, as shown in Figure 6. Don't apply external resistors between the power supply and this pin. This may cause a voltage drop and so reduce the available voltage at this pin. Data Sheet 9 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Application with 3.3 V I/O supply TL E6250 GV 33 IN H 7 6 RxD C AN H Tx D C AN L 4 1 3 V CC 100 nF 2 e. g. TLE 4476 100 nF 3 .3 V VQ 2 + 22 F 100 nF GN D 100 nF 5V VQ 1 VI P 3 .3 V 5 V 33 V GN D 8 + GN D 22 F + 22 F AEA 03300.VSD Application with 5 V I/O supply T L E6250 GV 33 IN H 7 6 R xD C AN H T xD C AN L V 33 V GN D V CC 8 4 1 5 P 5V 3 100 nF 2 100 nF GN D e. g. T LE 4270 VI + 22 F 100 nF VQ 5V + GN D 22 F AEA 03299.VSD Figure 6 Data Sheet Application Circuits TLE6250GV33 Used for 3.3 V and 5 V Logic 10 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Application with separate 5V power supplies, for applications with switchable transceiver supply TL E6250 GV 33 IN H 7 6 R xD C AN H TxD C AN L V 33 V GN D V CC 8 4 1 5 P 5V 3 100 nF 100 nF 2 GN D e. g. T LE 4270 VI + 22 F 100 nF VQ 5V + GN D 22 F e. g. T LE 4270 VI + 22 F 100 nF VQ 5V GN D + AEA 13299.VSD Figure 6 (cont.) Application Circuits TLE6250GV33 Used for 3.3 V and 5 V Logic Data Sheet 11 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Electrical Characteristics TLE6250G (5 V version) Table 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Max. VCC VCANH/L -0.3 6.5 V - -40 40 V - Logic voltages at INH, RM, TxD, RxD VI -0.3 VCC V 0 V < VCC < 5.5 V Electrostatic discharge voltage at CANH, CANL VESD -6 6 kV human body model (100 pF via 1.5 k) Electrostatic discharge voltage VESD -2 2 kV human body model (100 pF via 1.5 k) Tj -40 160 C - Voltages Supply voltage CAN input voltage (CANH, CANL) Temperatures Junction temperature Note: Maximum ratings are absolute ratings; exceeding any one of these values may cause irreversible damage to the integrated circuit. Table 4 Operating Range Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Supply voltage Junction temperature Unit Remarks Max. VCC Tj 4.5 5.5 V - -40 150 C - Rthj-a - 185 K/W - 200 C 10 C hysteresis Thermal Resistances Junction ambient Thermal Shutdown (junction temperature) Thermal shutdown temperature Data Sheet TjsD 160 12 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 5 Electrical Characteristics 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. Current Consumption Current consumption ICC - 6 10 mA recessive state; VTxD = VCC Current consumption ICC - 45 70 mA dominant state; VTxD = 0 V Current consumption ICC - 6 10 mA receive-only mode; RM = low Current consumption ICC,stb - 1 10 A stand-by mode; TxD = RM = high HIGH level output current IRD,H - -4 -2 mA LOW level output current IRD,L 2 4 - mA VRD = 0.8 x VCC, Vdiff < 0.4 V1) VRD = 0.2 x VCC, Vdiff > 1 V1) HIGH level input voltage threshold VTD,H - 0.5 x 0.7 x V LOW level input voltage threshold VTD,L TxD pull-up resistance Receiver Output RxD Transmission Input TxD VCC recessive state VCC 0.3 x 0.4 x - V dominant state k - VCC VCC RTD 10 25 HIGH level input voltage threshold VINH,H - 0.5 x 0.7 x V LOW level input voltage threshold VINH,L INH pull-up resistance RINH 50 Inhibit Input (pin INH) Data Sheet VCC 0.3 x 0.4 x - VCC VCC 10 25 13 stand-by mode; VCC 50 V normal mode k - Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 5 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. Receive only Input (pin RM) (5 V version only) HIGH level input voltage threshold VRM,H LOW level input voltage threshold VRM,L RM pull-up resistance - 0.5 x 0.7 x V VCC normal mode; VCC 0.3 x 0.4 x - V receive-only mode k - VCC VCC RRM 10 25 Differential receiver threshold voltage, recessive to dominant edge Vdiff,d - 0.75 0.90 V Differential receiver threshold voltage dominant to recessive edge Vdiff,r 0.50 0.60 - V -20 V < (VCANH, VCANL) < 25 V Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL Common Mode Range CMR -20 - 25 V VCC = 5 V Differential receiver hysteresis Vdiff,hys - 150 - mV - CANH, CANL input resistance Ri 10 20 30 k recessive state Differential input resistance Rdiff 20 40 60 k recessive state 50 Bus Receiver Data Sheet 14 -20 V < (VCANH, VCANL) < 25 V Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 5 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. Bus Transmitter 0.4 x - 0.6 x V VCC VCC CANL/CANH recessive output voltage VCANL/H CCANH, CANL recessive output voltage difference Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL, no load2) Vdiff -1 - 0.05 V VTxD = VCC CANL dominant output voltage VCANL - - 2.0 V CANH dominant output voltage VCANH 2.8 - - V CANH, CANL dominant output voltage difference Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL Vdiff 1.5 - 3.0 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V CANL short circuit current ICANLsc 50 120 200 mA - 150 - mA CANH short circuit current ICANHsc -200 -120 -50 mA CANH short circuit current ICANHsc - -120 - mA -50 -300 -400 A -50 -100 -150 A 50 280 400 A 50 100 150 A Output current Output current Data Sheet ICANH,lk ICANH,lk 15 VTxD = VCC VCANLshort = 18 V VCANLshort = 36 V VCANHshort = 0 V VCANHshort = -5 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = -7 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = -2 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = 7 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = 2 V Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 5 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. Dynamic CAN-Transceiver Characteristics Propagation delay TxD-to- td(L),TR RxD LOW (recessive to dominant) - 150 280 ns Propagation delay TxD-to- td(H),TR RxD HIGH (dominant to recessive) - 150 280 ns Propagation delay TxD LOW to bus dominant td(L),T - 100 140 ns Propagation delay TxD HIGH to bus recessive td(H),T - 100 140 ns Propagation delay bus dominant to RxD LOW td(L),R - 50 140 ns Propagation delay bus recessive to RxD HIGH td(H),R - 50 140 ns CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF 1) Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL 2) Deviation from ISO/DIS 11898 Data Sheet 16 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Electrical Characteristics TLE6250GV33 (3.3 V version) Table 6 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Max. VCC V33V VCANH/L -0.3 6.5 Logic voltages at INH, RM, TxD, RxD Unit Remarks V - Voltages Supply voltage 3.3 V supply -0.3 6.5 V - -40 40 V - VI -0.3 VCC V 0 V < VCC < 5.5 V Electrostatic discharge voltage at CANH, CANL VESD -6 6 kV human body model (100 pF via 1.5 k) Electrostatic discharge voltage VESD -2 2 kV human body model (100 pF via 1.5 k) Tj -40 160 C - CAN input voltage (CANH, CANL) Temperatures Junction temperature Note: Maximum ratings are absolute ratings; exceeding any one of these values may cause irreversible damage to the integrated circuit. Table 7 Operating Range Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Supply voltage VCC V33V Tj 4.5 5.5 Rthj-a 3.3 V supply voltage Junction temperature Limit Values Unit Remarks V - 3.0 5.5 V - -40 150 C - - 185 K/W - 200 C 10 C hysteresis Thermal Resistances Junction ambient Thermal Shutdown (junction temperature) Thermal shutdown temperature Data Sheet TjsD 160 17 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 8 Electrical Characteristics 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; (3.0 V < V33V < 5.5V for 3.3 V version); RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Typ. Max. 6 10 Unit Remarks Current Consumption (3.3 V version) Current consumption ICC+33V - mA recessive state; VTxD = V33V Current consumption ICC+33V Current consumption 45 70 mA dominant state; VTxD = 0 V I33V - ICC+33V,stb - - 2 mA - 1 10 A stand-by mode, TxD = high HIGH level output current IRD,H - -2 -1 mA LOW level output current IRD,L 1 2 - mA VRD = 0.8 x V33V, Vdiff < 0.4 V1) VRD = 0.2 x V33V, Vdiff > 1 V1) Current consumption - Receiver Output RxD Transmission Input TxD HIGH level input voltage threshold VTD,H LOW level input voltage threshold VTD,L - 0.55 x 0.7 x V33V TxD pull-up resistance RTD V recessive state V dominant state k - V stand-by mode; V normal mode; k - V33V 0.3 x 0.45 x - V33V V33V 10 25 50 Inhibit Input (pin INH) HIGH level input voltage threshold VINH,H LOW level input voltage threshold VINH,L 0.55 x 0.7 x V33V INH pull-up resistance RINH Data Sheet - V33V 0.3 x 0.45 x - V33V V33V 10 25 18 50 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 8 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; (3.0 V < V33V < 5.5V for 3.3 V version); RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. Differential receiver Vdiff,d threshold voltage, recessive to dominant edge - 0.75 0.90 V -20 V < (VCANH, VCANL) < 25 V Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL Differential receiver Vdiff,r threshold voltage, dominant to recessive edge 0.50 0.60 - V -20 V < (VCANH, VCANL) < 25 V Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL Common Mode Range CMR -20 - 25 V VCC = 5 V Bus Receiver Differential receiver hysteresis Vdiff,hys - 150 - mV - CANH, CANL input resistance Ri 10 20 30 k recessive state Differential input resistance Rdiff 20 40 60 k recessive state Data Sheet 19 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 8 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; (3.0 V < V33V < 5.5V for 3.3 V version); RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Typ. Max. 0.4 x - 0.6 x Unit Remarks Bus Transmitter CANL/CANH recessive output voltage VCANL/H V VTxD = V33V CANH, CANL recessive output voltage difference Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL, no load2) Vdiff -1 - 0.05 V VTxD = V33V CANL dominant output voltage VCANL - - 2.0 V 2.8 - - V Vdiff 1.5 - 3.0 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V VTxD = 0 V; VCC = 5 V CANH dominant output voltage VCANH CANH, CANL dominant output voltage difference Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL CANL short circuit current ICANLsc 50 120 200 mA - 150 - mA CANH short circuit current ICANHsc -200 -120 -50 mA VCANLshort = 18 V VCANLshort = 36 V VCANHshort = 0 V CANH short circuit current ICANHsc - -120 - mA VCANHshort = -5 V Output current ICANH,lk -50 -300 -400 A -50 -100 -150 A 50 280 300 A 50 100 150 A VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = -7 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH =VCANL = -2 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = 7 V VCC = 0 V, VCANH = VCANL = 2 V Output current Data Sheet VCC ICANH,lk VCC 20 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Table 8 Electrical Characteristics (cont'd) 4.5 V < VCC < 5.5 V; (3.0 V < V33V < 5.5V for 3.3 V version); RL = 60 ; VINH < VINH,ON; -40 C < Tj < 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Typ. Unit Remarks Max. Dynamic CAN-Transceiver Characteristics Propagation delay TxD-to-RxD LOW (recessive to dominant) td(L),TR - 150 280 ns Propagation delay TxD-to-RxD HIGH (dominant to recessive) td(H),TR - 150 280 ns Propagation delay TxD LOW to bus dominant td(L),T - 100 140 ns Propagation delay TxD HIGH to bus recessive td(H),T - 100 140 ns Propagation delay bus td(L),R dominant to RxD LOW - 50 140 ns Propagation delay bus td(H),R recessive to RxD HIGH - 50 140 ns CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF CL = 47 pF; RL = 60 ; VCC = 5 V; CRxD = 20 pF 1) Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL 2) Deviation from ISO/DIS 11898 Data Sheet 21 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Diagrams INH 7 TxD CANH RM 47 pF 8 1 5 60 RxD 6 4 20 pF CANL GND VCC 3 5V 100 nF 2 AEA03328.VSD Figure 7 Test Circuit for Dynamic Characteristics (5 V Version) INH 7 TxD CANH RxD 8 1 4 20 pF 47 pF 60 V33 V 6 5 3.3 V 100 nF CANL GND 2 VCC 3 5V 100 nF AEA03329.VSD Figure 8 Data Sheet Test Circuit for Dynamic Characteristics (GV33 Version) 22 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 VTxD VCC(33V) GND VDIFF td(L), T td(H), T t VDIFF(d) VDIFF(r) VRxD td(L), R t td(H), R VCC(33V) 0.7VCC(33V) 0.3VCC(33V) GND td(L), TR td(H), TR t AET02926 Figure 9 Data Sheet Timing Diagrams for Dynamic Characteristics 23 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Application 120 T L E6250 G V Bat C AN Bus RM IN H 7 6 C AN H R xD C AN L T xD GN D V CC 5 8 4 P 1 3 100 nF 2 100 nF GN D e. g . T LE 4270 VI + 22 F 100 nF 5V VQ + GN D 22 F EC U 1 T L E6250 GV33 IN H R xD 7 6 T xD C AN H V 33 C AN L GN D 22 F 100 nF 1 P V V CC e. g . T LE 4476 + 4 5 2 V Q1 VI 8 3 100 nF 100 nF 3.3 V 22 F + + 22 F EC U X 120 Figure 10 Data Sheet GN D 5V V Q2 GN D 100 nF AEA03308.VSD Application Circuit TLE6250G with TLE6250GV33 24 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 0.1 2) 0.41+0.1 -0.06 0.2 8 5 1 4 5 -0.2 1) M 0.19 +0.06 C B 8 MAX. 1.27 0.35 x 45 4 -0.2 1) 1.75 MAX. 0.175 0.07 (1.45) Package Outlines 0.64 0.25 6 0.2 A B 8x 0.2 M C 8x A Index Marking 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Lead width can be 0.61 max. in dambar area GPS01181 Figure 11 PG-DSO-8 (PG-DSO-8-16 Plastic Dual Small Outline) Green Product (RoHS compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pb-free finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page "Products": Dimensions in mm SMD = Surface Mounted Device Data Sheet 25 Rev. 3.9, 2007-08-22 TLE6250 Revision History: 2007-08-22 Rev. 3.9 Previous Version:Rev. 3.8 (Data Sheet) Page RoHS-compliant version of the TLE6250G and TLE6250GV33 All Infineon logo updated Page 2 updated Legal Disclaimer Page 3 added "AEC qualified" and "RoHS" logo, "Green Product (RoHS compliant)" and "AEC qualified" statement added to feature list, package name changed to RoHS compliant versions, package picture updated, ordering code removed Page 25 Package name changed to RoHS compliant versions, "Green Product" description added Changed package drawing to GPS01181 Page 26 updated Revision History Template: / 5 / 2003-04-01